Luxe Lusting || Red-ish loves

How are you all holding up?  Yikes, I'm having a busy week, but its definitely a good one.  Hope yours is too. Alrightie, let's get to it - Red-ish.....Well, the color here is almost red yet a little off, right? There seems to be a tad of orange on these or maybe we should just call it burnt orange?  Anyhoot, I am in love with all these beautiful and expensive things (which reminds me I was thinking of alternating this series with a similar one called Affordable Adorations featuring more affordable items, yes? Let me know if you agree).  Sorry, back to the topic at hand.

If you have been following me for a while you know how much I love this Clarence House Fauve fabric because you know this is the fabric I have for my headboard as well! (see here.  Its the last photo).  So, naturally I'm loving this version in red.  I chose this fabric when I was putting together our home as newlyweds because I associated the trees to good vibes, like health, peace, love, vitality, and fertility.... and am not even superstitious but the print just felt so positive...and of course its beauty had a lot to do it with it as well. Now, about this pendant that I have been admiring forever-  I envision it in a room with blue walls. Divine!

The heels are just daring and hot and could modernize any old LBD to trendsetter status.  And the bag?  This little number certainly packs a lot of punch and is so versatile with its beautiful color combination.  So, what do you say? Is this Red-ish color for you?