DIY || Boxes, Buttons, and Doorknockers
Let me tell you about this project. We have this painting in our bedroom that just keeps growing on me (I painted it BTW). I didn't love it at first but as the years go by I'm loving it more and more. I wanted to change things up beneath it and had the idea of adding some colorful boxes. Over the summer I found the cutest little dog doorknocker at an antique store and decided it would be ideal to decorate a box. Then, the idea of using embellished buttons for the other boxes came to me (I just had the lady at the button store clip off the ring in the back)- and so my collection grew to three DIY boxes that perfectly accentuate the colors of my painting. And they are so easy to make. You just need the right box, the right decoration, and the right glue. I have some ideas for you below.
I found some really cute small door knockers for you that would look great atop these colorful boxes that come in all different sizes. This acrylic box is also perfect for the project. There are beautiful and sparkly buttons everywhere. The buttons below I found on MJ Trimming, which is a wonderful resource for such type of crafty treasures. Then just glue them together with the Gorilla glue and you are done! They make cute presents or additions to your home. I'm in love with my colorful collection that add to my colorful painting.
The possibilities are endless. I'm really thinking I need a Pug box to add to my collection. Hmmmm.... What is inspiring you lately?
[all photos by me for ML]