Decorating Above the Headboard

I'm sure like me you have all noticed how headboards have been getting taller and larger. Some taking up almost the entire wall behind the bed.  I love this trend and the fact that the headboards have such intricate shapes just make the bedroom all the more interesting.  But how do you decorate above your headboard if your headboard is not that tall?  We got our headboard back in 2005 when this was not trend. So ours is regular sized, although it seems short in comparison to today's standards.  But I have no plans on switching it out.  I really adore it. And it was one of those decorating splurges we made when we got married- an investment piece if you will. I have been thinking about this for a while....what am I going to do with all that space above the bed?  If you remember from past posts....this is my headboard now (you can't see it in its entirety but you can see that it's low)-

So, what are the options to decorate above the headboard that I have been considering?  Here are some ideas- mirrors (the starburst mirror seems to be a favorite lately), one largescale work of art, several similar works of art, a gallery wall comprised of completely different pieces, a simple sconce, a statement sconce, a fabulous screen...really there are many options that would be ideal.  Here is some inspiration for you-

Does that extra space above your headboard bother you at all? what do you have hanging over your head?

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