(Kid approved) DIY || Fun Clutch

Sometimes having a longer weekend (Little Miss A had no school on Friday) means you have to improvise to keep everyone happy.  I love that my daughter's creativity knows no bounds and just a five minute chat with her will get anyone's creative juices flowing.  This time around, it was these fun and super easy sports car clutches.  It all started when my daughter spotted this when I was browsing shops online. Our version is way less expensive and so much fun to make. All you need is some super glue ( I love gorilla glue), a hinged acrylic box and a toy car. The pretty pouch inside is optional (we grabbed some coin purses we had). 

Easy, chic and fun. Plus if it gets an A+ in my kid's mind I'm in.  What fun projects have you embarked upon with your kids?  

[all photos by AC. Thanks to my sweet models Maru and Little Miss A]