DIY || Pink Sheep Skin

You may remember a few weeks ago I was obsessing over a pink sheep skin and was inspired to try and dye my own.  I was a little scared of dying something so thick and large, but a sweet reader suggested I use the tub.  This motivated me and voila! Here she new favorite thing. It is PINK.FLUFFY.COZY.HEAVEN.  It was super easy, but the only thing is that it took forever to dry.  I also noticed that Jenny from The Little Green Notebook did the same DIY (great minds think alike!).  Here is how to do it- 

DIY ||  Pink Sheep Skin

Materials- Sheep Skin (I used the one from Ikea), 1 packet of Rit Dye (Petal Pink) in powder form

Directions ||

1 ||  I soaked the sheep skin in hot water very, very well.  It gets heavy quickly.  I did this in the tub before adding the dye. After the sheep skin is very wet. Remove it form the tub.

2 ||  Separately dissolve the packet of powder dye in 2 cups of hot water.

3 ||  Fill bathtub with more hot water.  The sheep skin should be able to move freely within.  I had about 2 inches of water in the tub.

4 ||  Transfer the dissolved dye to the bathtub and then add the already soaking sheep skin

5 ||  You must move the water and sheep skin continuously.  I did this for 30 minutes.  Since the sheep skin is so thick I thought 30 minutes of soaking would guarantee the color really setting in.  If you want a lighter version of pink you could probably let it soak for 15 minutes.

6 ||  After the time is up then rinse the skin with warm water until the water runs clear.

7 || Let the skin air dry.  Be patient.  I think mine took like a week!  I first left in the laundry room for a few days but decided to transfer it outside so it would dry quicker. And it did!
8 ||  Once you have hung it to dry quickly go back to the tub and wash it with Clorox bleach.  This is just to make sure the pink does not set-in your tub.  

9 || Enjoy!!  This pink skin would go over very well with little girls.  Little Miss A. has since claimed it as hers.

Let me know if you try this out. I love the result.

[all photos by AC]