Get The Look || Bohemian Cool - A Girl's Room

Thank you all for your well-wishes for my event last Friday! It was so much fun and I think everything turned out pretty good.  From what I could tell people had a blast.  Now the financial part is what I have to look into- how much money did we actually raise?  I will busy crunching numbers today!  In the meantime here is a fun girl's room that I spied on a lovely blog called Simple Lovely.  Joslyn redid her ten year-old daughter's room....and this was the result.  Let's take a look-

Fun right?  Here is how to get the look. 

And how cool is that Ikea dresser covered in wallpaper?  What a great DIY.  Young girls' rooms are so much fun because you can just let your imagination run wild.  I'm loving that target owl lamp! So cute (and it's just $40!).

What do you think?  too wild? or just right for a ten year-old?