How do you give back?

I have a little fundraiser happening this evening for which my friends and I have been working very hard for the last couple of months.  I hope its a success (as measured by raising a lot of money and by guests having a wonderful time). When planning an event like this I always come across such amazing people who are ready to give in so many ways and help in any way.  I'm truly humbled by all my friends and acquaintances, family members, and even strangers who have made this event a reality.  I will be Instagramming tonight so be sure to follow me here.  I'm also excited because a few of my blogger friends will attend (so supportive!) -  Elizabeth, Sally and Molly, Jennifer and Courtney.  My super talented jeweler friend, Irene Zingg, will be displaying her out-of-this-world bold, and beautiful jewelry. I can't wait for everyone to see it. Especially, this ring is one of the coolest pieces I have seen in a while!   ....its all serpentine goodness if you ask me!

The fundraiser raises money for pediatric neurological research, so basically its brain research.  Amazingly, we still know so little about the brain and how it works.  And there are so many disorders affecting thousands of children we don't yet know how to treat appropriately.  So, hopefully with this  fundraiser we can add our own grain of sand, as small as it may be.  What causes are close to your heart?  How do you like to help out?

OMG!!! The most important thing....Did you see my photos over at The Pink Pagoda?  I took Jennifer's One Room Challenge Room Reveal Photos! I was so honored she wanted me to take them.  The room is spectacular and the design flawless.  Take a look here.

I will be sure to do a One Room Challenge recap next week when my brain has had time to rest and recuperate.  There are so many amazing rooms revealed. I will get that to you next week.  Happy Weekending!! ANd wish me luck for tonight!

(Photography Credits:Top photo by Maru Alvarez Colodrero  for Pitocatalan Children’s Clothing)